A review by rebeccalm
Cure for the Common Breakup by Beth Kendrick


I picked this up as a quick read for a long train ride over Memorial weekend. It was a perfectly good, typical chick-lit read. It was predictable, but the characters were very endearing - and I think that's what kept me interested. I like chick-lit for an easy going read when I don't need to pay too much attention to the details. This book definitely delivered and it was fun - just a little too over the top with some of the plot points. Especially when it involved the rich old lady of the town exploiting the blonde bombshell tourist to do things for her out of spite, and the bombshell agreeing because she's found the love of her life after a couple weeks and is finally making decisions for the greater good instead of just to save herself. Sometimes authors can really sell you on an extravagant story, but I don't believe that this was one of them. Again, I appreciated the diverse characters and stayed because I liked getting to know them. Overall, it was an okay read.