A review by natanacreativepineapple
The Demon's in the Details by Meghan Maslow


The world built, like how the city is set up, gave me Hunger Game vibes, but without making people fight each other. The city is owned by several different high class characters, each setting up their own rules in the territory under their ruling. Even when it’s a little angsty, the characters use humor to get through it and I adore that. I will be reading the second book as soon as I can!

Oh Poe, Poe, Poe. How much are you willing to give for the people you care about? A bird that shouts at the top of his lungs about being free, when every decision he makes appears to help others instead of himself.

Tommy is charming, mysterious, and to the point. You’re probably asking how someone can be mysterious and to the point, but you’ll have to read to get what I mean or tell me what you think instead.

There are too many parts of this story that I enjoyed to pick favorites - strong loyal friendships, sassy remarks, and a city to save - are a few.