A review by snowmaiden
Aquariuksen aika by James Leo Herlihy


After reading [b:Midnight Cowboy|439840|Midnight Cowboy|James Leo Herlihy|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1349064018s/439840.jpg|750897] and wondering what else the author had written, I came across this little gem in my library's storage facility. It is definitely a novel of its time, documenting the flower power era of the late 60's from the point of view of a teenage runaway. And yet there is also something about it that is timeless. It reads like the kind of really deep, really insightful young adult novel that doesn't get written so much anymore. (I don't recommend giving it to an actual teenage girl of 2014, however, unless you are willing to explain a lot!) I don't have any idea how Herlihy got so deeply inside the head of a teenage girl, but I identified with the main character completely. It's too bad that this book has been overshadowed by Herlihy's earlier more famous work, since I feel this is a much more successful novel in many ways.