A review by lizbethandthelifeinbetween
Kingdom Cold by Brittni Chenelle


I was given an arc via NetGalley, all opinions are my own.

I found this book very enjoyable. I feel like it would be pretty easy to go at this book for not being the most developed with the most amazing prose, but I honestly enjoyed reading it. It had a fast, action-packed plot and is a great introduction to anyone looking to get into political fantasy. It has love pentagons (or political arrangement pentagons lol), passion, murder and more, all wrapped in a short, less than 300 page, package. It's easy and fun to read. This book would also make a great guilty pleasure or just an easy read to get you out of a reading slump.

I say this is a good introductory book because first off, it is short and a fast read. It's like this because it doesn't go into crazy amounts of depth into political deception and plays. There's a surface level simplicity to it which makes this such an easy book to read. It covers a lot of political schemes in a short amount of time. It doesn't feel that underdeveloped either, which is nice, because the story takes place in a pretty short time frame and there is a lot going on. Also, there's a not a huge magi system or belief system to get accustomed too.

A few things did seem odd, like how unaware other kingdoms were of what was going on and how easily some kingdoms were mobilizing their armies. I did, at time, find myself craving a map and a deep look into the military and political mindset of the various kings, queen, princes, servants, and princess who were playing a role in the story. I wanted to know the marching conditions and how in was enabled/troubled by the land and how the kings worked out alliances and etc, but then I was quickly shocked by the next plot twist and made to keep reading more. This book kept me on my toes and I liked that.

I don't have much to say on the romance for once. Lots of it was political arrangement, which meant that politics were a bit more at play than emotion in the beginning, but it eventually became an emotional play. There was more of a point-to-point development, some of which could have used more expanding and development, but nothing seemed random or out of the blue.

It also has a great ending. I actually really liked it. I can't wait for the next book. It'll be on my radar for sure.