A review by helpfulsnowman
Escape from New York Vol. 1, Volume 1 by Christopher Sebela


Escape From Florida: The Snake-en-ing!

You know what I like about Snake? He genuinely doesn't give a shit. There are parts in Escape from NY where Snake, if he were a traditional hero, could intervene and help someone out, and he totally doesn't.

It makes the story fun to watch because he's kind of an unpredictable character. Not in a real life sense, a selfish person isn't all that interesting, but a person who is 100% focused on his own goal or mission, and has NO interest in playing the hero, is kind of an unusual character to follow throughout a movie.

Snake is also an interesting character because his actions feel organic. He does a thing, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, then he does another thing, and sometimes he's kicked back to square one, sometimes he makes a little progress. It's a very non-linear story for a good chunk of the movie.

The comic doesn't have either of these qualities.