A review by theavidreaderandbibliophile
The Silver Suitcase by Terrie Todd


The Silver Suitcase by Terrie Todd intriguing novel. Cornelia Faith Simpson is eighty-four years old when she passes away. She leaves behind her daughter, Grace Gladstone and her granddaughter, Benita Gladstone. Benita was particularly close to her grandmother and will miss her dearly. They are cleaning out her house when Grace mentioned the silver suitcase to her daughter. She believes it will be helpful to her and suggests she take it home and look through it. The silver suitcase is actually a trunk that Cornelia kept her favorite treasures in along with her diaries that she started when she was twelve years old. These diaries are just what Benita needs. Benita is going through a rough time. Her husband, Ken is out of work (and not going out and looking for a new job), Benita’s employers pass away (and she may be out of a job), and now the loss of her grandmother. Benita starts reading the diaries and embarks on a journey.

Cornelia started writing diaries at age twelve after her mother passed away. She wrote about her everyday life, her worries, and her secrets. The novel takes us back to 1939 in Roseburn, Manitoba Canada when Cornelia is seventeen. Cornelia had to quit school after the ninth grade because she was needed at home to take care of her father and brother. That summer she meets Henry Roberts and they fall in love. Unfortunately, war is declared and Henry insists on enlisting. Henry is killed in a train accident on his way to Halifax (where he was boarding a ship for England). Cornelia had quit believing in God when her mother died and this just makes things worse. But then an angel shows up. Read The Silver Suitcase to find out how this visitation forever changes Cornelia life and the lives of her descendants.

The Silver Suitcase was a slow starter (and a little confusing) but I ended up liking the novel (more than I thought). The Silver Suitcase is well-written and very interesting. In the beginning it jumps around a little going from generation to generation (or person to person). After a while I got used to it and the novel just flew by. I especially loved the epilogue. It was my favorite part of the book. We get to see how Cornelia’s diary affected other people and their lives. The Silver Suitcase is a Christian novel with many scripture references (not just a historical novel). I give The Silver Suitcase 4 out of 5 stars (I liked it).

I received a complimentary copy of The Silver Suitcase from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Check out my blog, The Avid Reader for more details: http://bibliophileandavidreader.blogspot.com/2016/01/the-silver-suitcase.html