A review by libbydmccarthy
The Self-Driven Child: The Science and Sense of Giving Your Kids More Control Over Their Lives by William Stixrud, Ned Johnson


I can't remember why I read this, but I had low expectations and I was pleasantly surprised! I feel like this book has all the things I've been gathering and put it all in one place. It made so much sense to me and helped me see that, at least for my kids, pretty much all their negativity has to do with being unable to manage their stress appropriately. I am so glad I read this before my oldest has become an official teenager, though it would be great to read while kids are still young too- though I think much of the advice does not apply to toddlers. I took copious notes and I think I will want to re-read this in a few years to refresh my memory and see how I've been doing.