A review by claudia_is_reading
The Love Factor by Quinn Ivins


I almost tagged this as historical, because is set in the 90s, but then I thought better and realize that some of my friends would kill me for calling them historical *laughs*

This is a nice romance, although, to be honest, that wasn't, at least for me, the best part. I really liked the way in which LGBT history and politics play into the story; the way in which the issues for women in academia were highlighted, and Carmen's self-discovery journey.

I liked Molly, too. The age gap with Carmen, although not very big, is evident in her attitude and the way in which she lives her life; but she too has some growing to do. And she really does it :)

Strong, smart and honest women, Carmen and Molly's slow-burn romance feels real and organic, and I enjoyed it when they finally got together.

And I really, really enjoyed Lori Prince's narration.