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A review by jenhurst
The Epic of Gilgamesh by Unknown


There’s something awe-inspiring and humbling about reading a book written over 4000 years ago. Obviously its an epic, so we don’t get a ton or character development or world building obviously. But we can see the start of certain archetypes forming, inspiration for Homer and the basis for many Greek myths. There’s also a story that reads as a precursor for Adam and Eve and the great flood myth. The flood myth is also identical. One part mentions a meteor, which surprises me and means they probably found a crater hole at one point.
The most interesting part was Gilgamesh and Enkidu, were they lovers, brothers or friends? It says Gilgamesh loves him like a woman, so it’s implied. It most likely inspired Achilles and Patroclus and you can see the similarities.
I know that this is called a religious text, but it’s just as much a precursor to modern fantasy and later works.