A review by raoul_g
We are Shielded by the Holy Ghost by Sufjan Stevens


Sufjan Stevens is probably my favorite songwriter and musical artist. While I spent countless hours of my life listening to his songs, I did not, until now, dive into his short stories, although I have been aware of their existence for quite a while now. I started with this story because it's title is such a typical Pentecostal lingo, that so strongly reminds me of my own Pentecostal upbringing. The story does not disappoint, except maybe through it's abrupt ending.

The content of the story is a mixture of fragments of religious fundamentalism and moments of a midlife crisis of the main character. As expected - knowing his songwriting - Sufjan's writing style is very vivid and artistic.
A little excerpt to get a taste of the exquisite writing of Mr. Stevens:
" 'Don't move," she told them. 'Don't be afraid. We are shielded by the Holy Ghost.' She waved her hands over them. The children looked around, their arms folded, their shirts untucked, their eyes as wide as moons investigating the room."