A review by corncobwebs
I Yam a Donkey! by Cece Bell

Popularity/appeal rating: 5

Quality rating: 4

In a one-sentence nutshell:
I laughed really hard at the ending. That uptight potato sure got his comeuppance! Reminded me a lot of [b:Pardon Me!|18689751|Pardon Me!|Daniel Miyares|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1403399240s/18689751.jpg|26534964] or [b:This is Not My Hat|13531024|This is Not My Hat|Jon Klassen|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1360096324s/13531024.jpg|19092692]. It's kind of wonderful when an annoying character gets flat-out eaten. Kind of wish that could happen in real life.