A review by readswithaimee
Dragon Age - Tevinter Nights: A Dragon Age anthology by Sylvia Feketekuty


I’ve enjoyed all the Dragon Age novels and I’m a big fan of the series as a whole so it’s no surprise I enjoyed this, but it still blew me away!

We finally get to see more of Thedas in these short stories and it’s so nice to get a feel for some of the areas we have only been told about so far.

There are a lot of hints and teases of what could be coming in DA4 here, including major and minor plot points, potential companions, old companions and of course the next big bad.

I enjoyed all of the short stories but my favourites were The Horror of Hormak, Callback and The Wigmaker Job. I was surprised by the return to a more dark fantasy in a lot of these stories as well. There’s some lovecraftian elements, and a fair few body horror moments.