A review by glowstars
Goodbye, Mr. Winters by Arabella Black


If you’ve read the Wraith Royals series, you’ll have met Mr Winters before. If you haven’t read it stop right now and go do that before you read on. Technically you don’t need to have read that trilogy, but things get pretty confusing if you don’t. While you’re at it you might as well binge through the San Ricardo series – the last few chapters tie in really well with Goodbye, Mr Winters.

At the start of Goodbye, Mr Winters, Jordan is a mess. His mind’s all over the place and he can’t focus on what’s going on around him, be it action or people. He’s spent five years and fifty therapy sessions avoiding his demons and Ivy Lin, his therapist has had enough. Is it a coincidence that as she quits as his therapist, circumstances bring them together romantically? (Well, as romantically possible considering this is Katantia)

Jordan and Ivy’s foray into a personal relationship cannot be considered healthy. If either of them were my friend I’d be urging them to ditch the other and find happiness elsewhere. The pair’s relationship seems to develop incredibly quickly, in fact almost too quickly to be believable. I found that I had to keep reminding myself that they hadn’t only just met, but instead had known each other for years, with both having the benefit of knowing things about each other that your average friend wouldn’t. Even so, there’s more than just chemistry between them – it borders on obsessional need.

She wants to fix him; he’s brutal in his treatment of her as a means of avoiding admitting his needs and emotions. Ivy is incredibly needy; Jordan definitely called it when he first described her as a “needy little doe.” As we come to learn more about her trauma, it’s understandable, but until that point, I found it mildly annoying.

Jordan may not be the ruler of Katantia but the pressure of keeping the country safe weighs on him. When you add in his sense of responsibility to his extended family and his crushing feelings of failure you can see how tired and burnt out he is. In fact, it’s so bad that it’s a wonder Ivy missed it. I would’ve liked to have seen his blackouts explored in greater depth and the timeline extended to accommodate this. I also want more of Ivy. I think there is a heartbreaking tragedy in her backstory that could easily make a novella. This is how I get when I sit down with one of Black’s books; I want every tiny detail and I don’t want to leave her world.

In true Black form, no character is left out. Even though this is Jordan and Ivy’s story we learn more about Kamila, Fylox and particularly Alex. Each of them has a unique relationship with Jordan and this book is the opportunity to explore that further.

Felicita’s chapters were particularly insightful. From having read the Wraith Royals series we know that she has endured a horrific past along with Kamila, but prior to that, during her childhood, she also suffered terribly. In the same way that Jordan is weighted down by his sense of responsibility, Felicita is oppressed by her past trauma and the tragedy of her present and future.

You can really see Jordan making moves to progress his life as he makes alterations to his lifestyle and his relationships with his family begin to explode and shift around him. A key turning point is as Felicita realises that she needs to let go of Jordan and their co-dependent relationship. It begins as she learns of Ivy, but truly transforms as she gets to know her. I’m hoping this is a segue into a Felicita and Måns story because she deserves some happiness in her life.

*Arabella Black is on top form again, giving us more insight into Katantia and our favourite characters while progressing the stories of her existing two series.
*Less action than Black’s previous books but still has all the emotion