A review by lostinmylibrary
The Last Summer of the Garrett Girls by Jessica Spotswood


This review, and many others, can be found at Lost in My Library. I received an eARC from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

4.5 stars, rounded up because if not for the
storyline, it might have been a new favorite. I just can't deal with those.

I knew I was going to love this book from the description! I love the relationships between sisters explored in YA (though I admit that, not having any myself, I can't speak for how realistic they are), and I love that each of the sisters was so different.

This had tropes galore, but they were all done so well that everyone else who uses these tropes needs to step it up. For example, there's a fake dating storyline. It was so adorable I screamed. I'll admit that not all of them were for me, however. Slight spoilers ahead: there was also a cheating storyline, which I am always very uncomfortable reading. I thought it was handled very well, but I still would have liked the book more without it.

My favorite part of this was the characters. I couldn't pick a favorite of the sisters, and each of their storylines was developed so well. I was a little apprehensive about having four alternating points of view, but it worked so well! I can't imagine this book working without them.

one character outs another without permission, mentions of past eating disorder, discussion of past suicide attempt, discussion of parental death in car crash