A review by pallavi_sharma87
The Grave's a Fine and Private Place by Alan Bradley


4.5 stars
Flavia is on a summer holiday with her sisters and Dogger after her father's death. They were travelling down the river in a boat which was being rowed by Dogger. Flavia manages to entangle her fingers in a corpseā€™s mouth while dangling her hand in the water. I thought this was a bizarre way of finding a dead body. I would never sleep if I were Flavia!!

Anyway, Flavia being Flavia manages to inspect the corpse before the police takes over. She and Dogger works together and solves the mystery. Flavia is more mature and blending into adulthood nicely. Her bond with her sisters and especially Dogger is has caught my attention. I do miss that tantrum throwing or disobedient Flavia but everybody grows up.
I enjoy this series and look forward to seeing what will happen to Flavia.

Happy Reading!!