A review by macrosinthemitten
Cradles of the Reich by Jennifer Coburn


If you like WWII books, you should definitely check this one out! I loved that it was different from a lot of typical historical fiction books. Set in late 1930s Germany, Cradles of the Reich tells the story of the Lebensborn program. Set up as a home for pregnant German mothers, the house was supposed to provide care and nutrition for women who would then give their babies up for adoption to German families who couldn't bear children. It was also a state-sanctioned brothel. Three women from very different walks of life find their paths crossing when they all arrive at the home under different auspices. This was an incredibly disturbing story but also fascinating. I knew a little bit about this program through my studies, but not nearly the depth and detail that I learned after reading this book. It's a beautiful story about what it means to be a mother, to honor one's duty, and what it means to be brave.