A review by moonbites
Black Widow, Vol. 1: The Finely Woven Thread by Nathan Edmondson


YES Black Widow! I have not read much of anything on Black Widow in the comics, but I am grateful for this chance to really focus on Natasha in this book. I really liked this book, so much so, that I want to purchase it and own it in my comic collection. That art is so beautiful, Phil Noto did a fantastic job.

The art style has this dreamy feel to it, with a great blend and contrast of colors. LOVE IT . And as my mother would say, "Why don't you marry it?" Which in return I would reply... I would if I could.

In terms of story I would say it was decent, the art is what pushed this rating to a 4 star though. The writing was more of a 3 star quality maybe even 2.5? To be fair, this is the first volume. First volumes are always rising action and character development.

I think it focused too much though on this other life Black Widow leads as just plain old Natasha. A portrayal of her that made her appear as a lonely cat lady. What's up with that? I understand it makes her look more relatable, but at times she was portrayed as cold which is kind contrary to relatable. It's true that they show many layers of Natasha in this comic, but so many that I don't feel I am getting a true grasp of who she is. Which should be the point of creating a comic focusing on one character.

In the end, I found myself wanting more Black Widow. I still feel like there is more to her personality, that only came out in flashes in this volume. I look forward to the winding mystery that this volume has set up, and a solid portrayal of the elusive Black Widow.