A review by oneanjana
The Surface Breaks by Louise O'Neill


Love can make you foolish.

— ★★★☆☆ (2.5/5) —

Expecting darker retelling with feminist vibes because that’s literally what I read in every review, but nah. It’s not dark, it’s just a story about a wretched world and a foolish girl.

If maybe a world with overly done male characters—all depicted like all men is ‘red flags’—is a feminist for you, you do you then. But, I disagree that could be considered as feminist. The real feminist in my opinion is actually Ceto, The Sea Witch, and I liked her from the first time she came out. I wish she has more scenes, actually.

Even though I know the storyline (because yes, this is a retelling), I barely can stand Gaia’s way of thinking. I’m sick of her foolishness, her blind love that makes no sense at all (but that's why it's called blind, right? haha!). She’s so blinded by her love that she doesn't even want to hear the facts about her ‘sweetheart’s’ bad sides. But thankfully, she eventually turned into a strong woman and a warrior gracefully. Phew.

Ah, about the ending, too. It left me baffled and feeling dumbfounded. So many plot holes, many questions remain unanswered, and what of that ‘supreme being’ fate? Does it really end like that? I just feel like he doesn't put up much of a fight and that was absurd considering he's described as scary, feared, and powerful.

Overall, it’s not that enjoyable for me because I mostly angry with the wretched world and the foolishness. But, the Sea Witch parts are such a delight. Besides that, I liked that it got many quotable conversations, and every so often I also admire Gaia's thought of both human and underwater world.