A review by nataliealane
Spells for Forgetting by Adrienne Young


If I could sum up this book in just a few words:
Haunting, angsty, tense, slow burn
For a slower-paced, I FLEW through this! Read most of it in under 2 days and stayed up waaaay too late trying to finish.
I think some other readers would think it is too slow, especially in the beginning, but I was still gripped by the story the entire time. The story beats hit well, and the mystery’s revelations and shocks were timed perfectly to keep it from being too slow. There were some aspects of the mystery I guessed ahead of time, but it was still exciting and shocking when I got to those particular reveals because Adrienne Young kept up the tension and suspense. It’s a great example of “predictable” does not equal bad/boring! If you like a lot of angst and yearning in your romance, that’s like 90% of Emery and August’s relationship, as well as fated or star-crossed lovers
Spells for Forgetting explores the lengths people will go to in order to protect their home, the idea of fate and legacies, and family. There were bits of darkness, lore, and magic. I LOVED that the island was basically another character (we even got a POV chapter for it!), and how it’s described and characterized, and the atmosphere, is very reminiscent of The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater. I’ve heard great things about Young’s newest book, The Unmaking of June Farrow, and immediately added it to my TBR after finishing Spells!