A review by christajls
The Apocalypse of Elena Mendoza by Shaun David Hutchinson


Originally reviewed on Bookmarked

Sixteen years ago, Elena Mendoza’s mother gave birth. This wouldn’t usually be a remarkable event since women all over the world give birth every day. But Elena Mendoza’s mom was a virgin and Elena is the product of parthenogenesis, or asexual reproduction. It’s unique and scientifically noteworthy, but other than that Elena has managed to live a fairly normal life. That is until one day, while working at Starbucks, she witnesses a shooting and not only heals the victim (Freddie, the girl she has had a crush on forever) but makes the shooter disappear into thin air. From that moment on Elena’s life will never be normal again.

If I had only one word to describe The Apocalypse of Elena Mendoza, it would be unique. If I had two words it would be extremely unique. And I mean that in the best way. As you may have guessed the plot is bizarre, which might be a little off-putting for some readers, but ultimately this is a very character-driven novel. Thinking about what I remembered the best from Elena Mendoza it wasn’t the miracles or the talking My Little Pony toy, but Elena’s relationships with those around her – especially Freddie. After she heals Freddie they begin to spend more time together and Elena has to reconcile the real person in front of her with the idealized person she crushed on from afar. It was also refreshing to see such strong bisexual representation throughout the course of the novel. Elena is out and proud of her identity. She uses the words “bisexual” and “bi” regularly and there is an open dialogue between her friends and family. That alone makes me want to shove a copy into everyone’s hands. So even if Elena Mendoza sounds a little out of your wheelhouse I recommend giving it a chance, as it may end up being just what you needed.