A review by stucknbooks14
Evil Queen: A Charity Anthology by Dee Lagasse


(I received an ARC for this book)

Trigger Warnings include, but not limited to:
claustrophobia, childhood trauma, mentions of drug use, child abandonment, physical therapy after an accident, depression, cheating (both main characters and side), discussions of sexual orientation, discussion of loss of spouse/parent, alcoholism, AA

I will be adding reviews as I finish reading through this beautiful anthology

•Five Stars•
Kandi Steiner: Ember
Nine chapters and an epilogue? Kandi is too good to us! After years of working her ass off, Ember is finally getting the recognition she deserves. And who says you can’t also enjoy your time at sea, just because you’re working. And boy, does she enjoy the down time! Ember and Finn, the head chef are very comfortable and friendly. Oh so friendly. I loved spending time with the two of them. Fun, flirty. The dirty kinda flirty. Finn is NOT a shy man. And then we’re introduced to their charter…then we get the full experience. Lock me on the yacht…chances are I’m choosing Ember! No hesitation or second guessing! That epilogue had me squealing!

My Favorite Quotes:
• “The only thing you’ll be spreading on this charter is jam on toast.
• “He’s going to leave tomorrow, but I’ll still be here.”
• “Because you want to hear me tell you what a good girl you’ve been when I fuck you.
• “You’re going to obey every order I give you.”
• “Let’s see how slow I can go before I lose my mind.”
forced proximity - workplace

if you liked this then you should read Close Quarters

Kat Singleton: Monica
My sweet loves. How I have missed Monica and her venom. My crush on her only got stronger after reading this. Don’t tell her husband, but I may favor her more. While an outsider may see her as rude, or maybe even arrogant, I know that’s far from the truth. She’s proud. And she has every right to be. She’s proud of herself and the work she’s accomplished in her career. And by the way, when I say outsider, I mean a member of the species who assumes women are less than. Monica is anything but “less than”. And I dare you to say that around her husband, or her boss. Or her.

My Favorite Quotes:
• “I’d prefer if you treated me with respect, but I guess we can’t always get what we want, can we?”
• “I fucking love it when you play dirty.”
• “So ready for me to enjoy.”
• “They’re not allowed to hear you come apart for me. I don’t want to share your pleasure with them. Not today.”
• “Tell me what you need.”
• ‘It’s just that sometimes…I like my husband to f!ck the sass right out of me’

if you liked this then you should read Founded on Deception or start at the beginning of the series with Founded on Goodbye, where you meet Monica

Renee Dyer: Keeley
I didn’t even finish the first page before I was chanting “I love it I love it I love it”. Chase Bishop, loud mouth on and off the field, gets suspended by the league for using performance enhancing drugs. The team makes him prove that he deserves to be on the team, which is how he ends up on the practice field with Keeley and her female football team. These women are badasses on and off the field, and he quickly learns that himself. Keeley gives him a chance, which leads to a kiss, which leads to him all but begging her to stay. And what comes after is beautiful. Which means I forgave him for his comments about the women’s league before he met them. And that means I started swooning over him too.

My Favorite Quotes:
• “If you need me to forget the kiss happened, I will. I don’t want that, but I’ll do it for you.”
• “I think I’d make a pretty good king.”
• “You’re always beautiful.”
female football player

Persephone Autumn: Penny
Penny’s tattoo shop family is experiencing changes, and she feels like she’s not walking fast enough down the same path, and she’s being left behind. In comes the new boss…but he’s not new to her. I did a little happy dance when their eyes met. After years trying with copies of her, Jameson was ready to get on his knees to desperately beg Penny to go on a date with him. But then she said yes, on her own accord. And then my favorite moment in a ‘brother’s best friend’ trope happened, “just don’t hurt her” and they all lived happily ever after.

My Favorite Quotes:
• “the right man will kneel before you. Worship the ground you walk on. Be proud to call you his.”
brother’s bff - workplace

•Four Stars•
Ellie Isaacson: Sloane
Trigger Warnings include:
claustrophobia, childhood trauma

After her childhood sweetheart ripped her heart to pieces in the public eye, Sloane is trying to lay low. Her bodyguard is driving her nuts. Teasing her, poking fun at her. But really, Kolton is just trying to get her to smile. To feel the happiness she deserves. After an incident forces them to be stuck with each other with no way out, everything changes between them. This is doesn’t feel quick or rushed. It’s adorable, and definitely hot.

My Favorite Quotes:
• “I admire you so much, and I have never, ever thought of you as anything but the very best.”
• “Why would I want someone else?”
• “Show me what a goddess you are.”
workplace - musician

Georgana Roland: Garbo
Trigger Warnings include:
mention of drug use, child abandonment

When Garbo goes to the new gym in town to interview the owner, she walks in to see a ghost from her past. And the ghost was expecting her. I loved their instant reconnection, as if no time had passed at all. Her boss has something up her sleeve, and no one likes it. And I definitely didn’t like it when we found out what it was! What was the point of causing me that pain?!

second chance - sports romance: gymnastics - single parent

Amanda Cuff: Fiadh
Trigger Warnings include:
discussions of sexual orientation, cheating

That mini prologue was SO good! Made me need to know every single detail of what happened before this novella! Hollywood It couple falls from grace after a scandal. Years later, Jackson meets a woman in a bar. I gasped when we discovered her true identity. But uh…he did more than just gasp. I mean, there was definitely gasping involved. I liked Fiadh instantly. A lot of truths are exposed. And then it ended. I would have loved even just one more page of them!

My Favorite Quotes:
• “You got your story. And now, I get you.”
• “Shut up and f!ck me.”
• “I want all of New York to watch me get you off.”
• “I want to taste you when you come.”
secret identity - celebrity

Daisy Allen: Angel ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Trigger Warnings include:
physical therapy after an accident, depression, mentions of spousal cheating

Page two, and I loved Angel already. I loved Knuckles for different reasons. They had a constant back and forth, and the banter always made me giggle. There’s a lot of heart in this one, and just as much pain. I’m kinda bummed we didn’t get a true ending, or even a hint at one. This is super duper open ended. But, this is a peak into an upcoming series. So there’s that!

My Favorite Quotes:
• “For once just don’t talk. I’m begging you.”
• “I want you to hurt me."

Chasity Tarantino: Ava ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Ava is a late night talk show host. Surrounded by men in a man eat man world. Even her own husband didn’t respect her, which is why she divorced him. When a guest on her show catches her attention, she’s surprised to discover she also caught his. But thanks to experience, she questions his intentions. Evan is thoughtful, and doesn’t just pay attention to her, he spends time properly understanding her. Which easily wins her (and me) over.

Mignon Mykel: Rowan ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Rowan comes from old and new money. And she wants out. She doesn’t care about the money, but she’s sticking it out for something more important to her. When his brother goes away with his daughter, she housesits for him. Which is where she runs into his best friend. The same one she slept with, and then did a disappearing act. But he’s not letting her get away this time. I assumed I was going to get the stereotypical novella cut off after they reunite, boy was I wrong! No one ever stays…but Walker stays. Like, really REALLY stays!

My Favorite Quotes:
• “You don’t let go of something that was that good. Not without trying one more time to make sure it was really what you thought it was.”
• “You may not know for sure, but I do.”
• “Can’t have my mouth in two places at once.”
• “You’re f!cking made for me.”
• “You better be as naked as you are now when I get back here.”
• “For such a pretty face, you have a filthy mouth.”
brothers bff - marriage of convenience

Aubree Valentine: Willow ⭐️⭐️⭐️
There’s all kinds of secret identity in this one! Willow, Mr Tall Dark and Handsome. Neither told the other who they really were. But when the truth comes out, I’m not sure whose jaw hit the floor faster. Probably mine actually. Willow has always been treated like a child, until him. He’ll never get her out of his system, and he’s ready to prove it.

My Favorite Quotes:
• “You’re distracted. Tell me what you need from me.”
• “Watch me. Watch us. Stay with me. Got it?”
• “If I can’t have you, no one else is going to lay their hands on you either.”
• “If I am going to lose this job, I’m going to make damn sure I commit to memory every single inch of you.”
secret identity - royalty

Tori Fox: Riot ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Tori tells you exactly like it is. And I definitely liked her. She’s the manager of an up and coming band. She’s been helping them build momentum over the last couple of years. They’ve put their trust in her, and now they’re a family. Roan has always had her attention, and she’s always had his. But she has one rule: don’t sleep with clients. It’s the one line she won’t cross. Roan will just move on, and leave her to pick up the pieces, and she won’t do that to the band. Pushing him away will be her, and the bands, downfall. So what happens when Roan hits his limit, and gives her the ultimatum: either step messing with his heart, or let it go?

My Favorite Quotes:
• “You are the most incredible woman ever. And you better know, I am not giving up.”
• “I’m willing to risk it all for you.”
• “I always agree with you.”
musician - workplace - forced proximity

M. Leigh Morhaime: Zette ⭐️⭐️
There’s a lot of detail before we figure out what’s really going on. Which means there’s less room for the full meal. And I was hungry. This stands out amongst the others. It’s not a romance at all. It’s true plot was Zette feeling lost and unsure of the unknown. She’s struggling in the “what if”. I really liked what Sean brought to the story, and into her life. But this one just wasn’t for me.

K. Peters: Kat ⭐️⭐️
Trigger Warnings include:
Discussion of loss of a spouse/parent

Instantly interested with the way this opened, and then I was very confused. It wasn’t until nearly the end that I understood the timeline. I felt like I was reading two different stories at times. There’s plenty of heartbreak in this one. Both Kat and Tristan are just trying to get through life, get through another day as single parents. They’ve been connected for years. They lived separate lives, each got married and had kids. There’s an open ending, and a lot of questions.

My Favorite Quotes:
• “We weren’t timed well, but we were real.”
second chance - single parent
miscommunication & assumptions are icky

Sutton Bishop: Fia ⭐️⭐️⭐️
This ends on a cliffhanger; it sets up a full length

Fia is a woman on a mission, and she’s got her sights set on Bram. According to her, she’s flirting with the devil, and she is 100% ready to climb into his bed. But we don’t know why. There’s plenty of opportunities to make guesses though! This is completely open ended. As it should be, since it is being turned into a full length. Definitely interested in where this could lead, and why it started to begin with!

My Favorite Quotes:
• “You and I are just getting started.”
• “I promise you, we’re going to enjoy ourselves.”
the ceo type - age gap

Shannon O’Connor: Sawyer ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Trigger Warnings include:
alcoholism, cheating (being caught on page, not main character)

The trigger warnings are essentially the plot. Sawyer is telling her girlfriend her truth, the reasoning behind who she has become. I was indifferent when it came to the characters and the circumstances. Definitely a beautiful story of climbing out of the trenches and becoming your best self, for yourself.

Kay Blake: Sienna ⭐️⭐️⭐️
This is build up for an upcoming novel. Sienna owns a Pro Wrestling facility. It started as a training school, but now she’s gearing up for her first show. And just as the stress starts to settle in, her ex walks through the front doors. The one who left her, to further his own wrestling career, without ever considering her. But now he’s ready to prove he’s not that immature boy anymore. To prove he’s not the man he had become. To prove he is the man to love her in the ways she deserves.

My Favorite Quotes:
• “I’ll do whatever you want. If you ask nicely.”
• “You’ve always been mine and I’ve always been yours.”
• “Give me whatever you can. I want it all.”
• “You were always part of me ever since the day we first met.”
sports romance: wrestling - second chance

more reviews to come