A review by beckymmoe
Ignited by Ruthie Knox


Reviewed on my blog, Becky on Books.

Solid ending, but frustrating at the same time--I want season two! Now!

Sigh. We learn even more about Roman's backstory here--and it's even more heartbreaking than what we learned in episode 4, only partly because he opens up and lets Ashley in on it too. Ashley continues to struggle with the choices her grandmother made, and both of them continue to wonder if they're making the right decisions for the right reasons.

Smexy times are So. Close. At least we have some real contact outside of their imaginations--finally!

It's good.

But I want more.

Sigh...looks like I'll be rereading Truly again on Wattpad to get my fix--quick, before it gets pulled at the end of the year!

received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.