A review by purplcrosswords
The Victorian Chaise-Longue by Marghanita Laski


Slow-paced at first, this short read eventually evolves into a Victorian nightmare. After waking up in another woman’s body in 1864, Melanie must find a way to get back to her body, while tracing the parallelism between and her and this Milly Baines she seems to be embodying at present. Or past?...

*film trailer voice* Will Melanie find her way back? Why is it that she has been trapped in that particular body? And why… Why is she suddenly coughing blood?

Read this book and await for your answers, while wishing that Melanie would grow some balls and lose her whining attitude – the one thing that really bothered me throughout. In the end, you may find that the answers didn't really matter: what the author seems to be driving at is how your actions will necessarily be read against the background in which you do them.