A review by xavia
Heroine Worship by Sarah Kuhn


I had a lot of fun with this book, but I still don't like Aveda/Annie

Don't get me wrong, I think her story and her journey were beautifully written and so important, but Aveda or Annie, I didn't really like her.

Let's start with the biggest plot point. Evie is getting married, and Aveda is her maid of honor. And, while Evie isn't completely blameless in this, Aveda proceeds to ignore everything she says she wants for her wedding and keeps insisting that Evie WOULD like these things if she would just try them. As Evie's oldest and best friend she should know better. Aveda also keeps going on about how she wants to be a better friend, and a better co-heroine, and yet everything she does is just.... pushy and rude.

To be fair, I did feel bad for Aveda. She was treated really unfairly in this book, and I sympathize with her identity crisis, wherein everything she's worked so hard for has been completely forgotten because someone with cooler powers showed up. And yeah, she is pushy and rude, but so are a lot of these so called fans.

Anyway, the plot of this book was great! The build up of the mystery was really well paced and I greatly enjoyed trying to figure out who dun it. And honestly, I was not expecting that reveal (I am glad it wasn't who I thought it was because I really liked that character).

I'm very interested to see what happens in the next book, though knowing me, it will be another year before I get around to it.