A review by moirwyn
You Have to Fucking Eat (Go the Fuck to Sleep #2) by Adam Mansbach


This review originally appeared on my blog, Books Without Any Pictures:

"The sunrise is golden and lovely,

The birds chirp and twitter and tweet,

You woke me and asked for some breakfast,

So why the fuck won’t you eat?"

When I was a child, I was an extremely picky eater. For years, most of my diet consisted of buttered pasta, because I refused to try new things or expand my horizons. (Thanks Mom & Dad for putting up with me when I was going through that phase, which may or may not have lasted until I was, um, twelve!) Eventually I grew out of it, and as an adult I’m a (relatively) adventurous eater who enjoys a wide variety of cuisines.

Adam Mansbach’s latest book You Have to F*cking Eat is a poetic tale of a frustrated parent trying to get his kid to eat her dinner. It’s something that most parents/babysitters/etc. can empathize with. It uses the same style as his initial book, Go the F*ck to Sleep, which encapsulates the aggravation and helplessness that parents feel when their kid is acting like a little shit. It’s the grown-up’s inner monologue when dealing with the terrible twos/threes/twelves.

I enjoyed Go the F*ck to Sleep more than You Have to F*cking Eat, but this one was still an excellent book. The rhymes were clever, using the same animal imagery and speech patterns that are common in children’s books to vocalize the parent’s perspective. It makes extremely grateful to my own parents for putting up me when they cooked delicious dinners and I refused to fucking eat.