A review by lucifermuses
Dead City by James Ponti


I had the great honor of reading this book a couple months before it got released and I fell in LOVE with it. James is an amazing writer and I've been following his work since Shelby Woo.

Dead City takes place in NYC and follows a young girl named Molly. She quickly discovers, upon being stalked, what is really going on below the city streets. With help from some interesting friends Molly really comes into her own and learns a lot, not just about the zo-I mean undead, but about her secret family past!

I won't say much more in fear of spoiling it! But I must say, as an avid book this is on my top 10 books (and I'm not being bias!)

But here's a funny little story to go along with my reading experience of this book:
I read the whole book in one sitting, at midnight, curled up on my sofa. I live in the center of a city which has...well a ridiculous maze like sewer system below it and I live on the third story. Needless to say, there were moments were I really felt like Molly and I kept peeking out my window wondering if some undead were going to pop up, or go down, the sewer system. Of course right as I finish the book, well okay maybe the last two pages, I hear some groaning coming from outside my apartment and then the door swings open. It was only my boyfriend, groaning about how tired he was from work, but for a split second all I could think of was "CRAP, the Zombies have found me!"