A review by 1_and_owenly
Mystery Science Theater 3000 by Joel Hodgson, Harold Buchholz, Matt McGinnis


Wacky fun. If you like the MST3K show, especially the latest run with Felicia Day, Patton Oswalt, and Jonah Ray, then you will find much to love in this comic. It was odd to think of "riffing" in the bounds of a comic book. But they make it work.

We get a three types of public domain stories: a teen detective, a lesser known superhero, and an old horror comic. All ripe for the riffing! Crow, Tom Servo, Jonah, & co have a blast with the medium switch.

I especially love Todd Nauk's art in the interstitial stories.

I want to give this 3.5 stars, but obviously that is not possible. To err too high or too low? That is the question.