A review by tarryncurrentlyreading
The Reformed Vampire Support Group by Catherine Jinks


This is anything but your average teen vampire book.

Nina has been stuck as a fifteen year old ever since she was turned into a vampire in 1973. But unlike the supernatural being that she writes about, Zadia Bloodstone, Nina is not powerful, nor does she possess any magnificent qualities like super speed, strength, or the ability to turn into a bat or fly. Hell, she can't even sparkle. This ain't Twilight, folks. Instead, Nina is bound to a life of sickliness. Neverending nausea and weakness plague her immortal existence. Besides writing fantastical stories of what she wishes vampire were like in her room (and yes, she still lives with her mother) the only thing Nina ever does is go to Tuesday night support group meetings. Reformed Vampire Support Group, that is. For years Nina has gone to these meetings, seeing the same faces, like Dave, sullen teen vampire and Sanford, controlling and neurotic doctor vamire.

Then one of the vampires is staked and everything changes. Nina is thrust into a real life mystery, one that causes her to step up and attempt to be the vampire she didn't think she was capable of. She and her friends must find the slayer, for they are all now in danger. But this quest leads them to far bigger problems when they accidentally stumble across an illegal werewolf fighting ring. Nina's world is about to change, big time.

Compared to all the vampire books out there nowadays, in a way, The Reformed Vampire Support Group is refreshing. Instead of being portrayed as glamorous and fierce, Vampires are weak and kind of pathetic. When infected by a vampire in this novel, you are truly INFECTED-sentenced to an eternity of sickliness. Though at times the novel was a little slow and boring, the plot was mostly interesting. Romance is really not a main theme in this book, the mystery is, but even there the mystery is pretty predictable. Overall, I liked the book but it wasn't a golden find or anything. I recommend this book to anyone who is sick of all the vampire romances but don't mind that the supernatural elements in this book are veryyyy light, even if it is about vampires.