A review by arathi
The Other Half Lives by Sophie Hannah


This was a very very long book with too much of unwanted, repetitive details!

I had liked the other 3 books in this series hence picked this up, boy oh boy this never ended!

Ruth Bussey's current boyfriend Aidan Seed confesses one day that he murdered someone called Mary Trelease a long time ago - but Ruth is shocked to hear because she knows that Mary is still alive and she has a very ugly experience with her. She tries to convince Aidan that Mary is still alive but Aidan is adamant to believe her - even after being contacted by the police and they also state the same as Ruth! After a very traumatic experience in her life Ruth would have moved to Spilling trying to start a new life and then she meets Aidan and then she meets Mary Trelease!

What follows next is everyone us trying to prove that Mary is very much alive but Aidan just cannot be convinced because he knows the truth better than Ruth and the police, he knows what happened so many years ago!

This book should be edited further and help the future readers so that they dont feel tortured by the repetition of the details!