A review by jasminepnwgirl
Let Love Be by Melissa Collins


The Love Series, is absolutely one of my favorite series! Yes, this book can be read as a standalone, but I definitely recommend that you read the other books, first. If you HAVEN’T read the other books, in this series…please do not read the rest of this review.
If you have read the first 3 books, than you know of Momma! Well this book is about Lucy aka Momma! I have to say she is one hell of a woman, I mean that in a good way! She has been through so much. When you first meet Lucy in the first book, you sorta have this feeling that she has a story, but you aren’t sure what it is. When she was pregnant with Melanie, her husband passed away, 2 weeks before she gave birth. Her husband, was her world. But that didn’t stop her from giving Melanie the best life that she could. She always put Melanie first, and after taking Maddy in, not only did she have 1 daughter, but she has 2 daughters.
The one person, who is new to the story, is Evan! At the very beginning of the book, you can’t help to feel bad for him. He kept blaming himself for an accident that happened, when he was a fireman. Then, he had to deal with some health issues. Years later, well…..18 years later. He moves to the same town, his brother Joe lives in….are you remembering yet? YES! That Joe, you know Reid’s, stepdad? Yeah, that one!!! Well Lucy and Evan, meet at Becca’s funeral (Reid’s mom).
Lucy, is scared to get into a new relationship, because she hasn’t been in one since her husband died. Evan is scared too, he wants to be with Lucy, but not sure how he can be. Can Evan and Lucy, learn to let someone else in, and be scared together? Or will their two different pasts, keep them apart?
Let Love Be, will make you cry, and laugh. But it’s such an EXCELLENT BOOK!!!