A review by mightyjor
Reaper by Will Wight


5/5 Excellent book!

While probably only my third favorite in the series (it has a middle chunk that drags quite a bit, the opening and closing thirds are fantastic. I love the first third and the time we get to spend with our characters, especially seeing Lindon be a teacher and helping some other characters that I’ve grown fond of. Watching the family slowly start to grasp what an insane power icon Lindon is is fun as heck. The last third I won’t get into but it was brilliant and I loved it to death with a fun twist that a lot of people may have seen coming but it caught me off guard.

I’m a little nervous going into the next books. For starters, the last couple seemed a bit heavy on the fight scenes when what I appreciate most from these stories are the clever tactics and training and powering up. The fights are a nice break from that but they’re no substitute. Given the insane threat coming, I imagine our characters are going to have to make deals, train, level, etc., but I’m also nervous given that the reviews make me think it’s going to be a lot more hand to hand fighting than anything else, and that really isn’t a selling point for me. I’m still going in with an open mind and I’m hoping beyond hope that it gives me the satisfying ending in waiting for. I want EVERYTHING!