A review by libralita
East of West, Vol. 2: We Are All One by Jonathan Hickman


I really liked this installment of East of West. The art was on point just like in the last volume but the writing was amazing. There were a few really great lines. Also there was a lot more world-building we got to see some of the different nations which I liked. It was amazing and I can’t wait to continue on with this series.


“I swear is there no one that keeps a hold of their extremities these days? Yes, yes…I see now. You have two bloody hands, therefore a traitor must be among us…How could I have missed such definitive an undeniable logic?”

Chamberlin is probably my favorite character. He’s so slick, quick witted, silver tongued and yet so evil.

“Chaos, Bel. Best by the wind—your end…is nigh.”

Mostly evil.

“True as any true thing ever spoken, back then there was a saying: The only thing more corrupt than a politician was a judge. This of course had nothing to do with judges being weaker men and women…No, in fact, measure them closely, and you would clearly see that they were almost exactly the same. Both had long lost their souls. Both were totally corrupt. And both were always for sale. Judges were just cheaper.”

The writing was good in the last one but this volume has really stepped up its game. There are some just really great quotes in here.

So a bunch of lawmen kill judges and politicians for being corrupt. That’s…one way to do it. Of course it happens in Texas. They were the Rangers and they retired after killing all the judges and politicians. Now the leader is going after the Chosen.

I love how evil the President of the Union is. Like I would be rioting too if I had Female-Senator Palpatine as a president.

Death lost an eye…sucks.

Aw and the Ranger just fucking killed the Native Chosen before Death could discover where his kid is. Son of a bitch.