A review by msmiz95
Rock and a Hard Place by Jane Davitt, Alexa Snow


Have you ever read a book where you were just exhausted at the end? yeah that was this book for me. Sean is an out financial manager at this firm where Andrew is heir apparent. Sean has a chip on his shoulder the state wide and is out for blood where Andrew is concerned. The constant and I do mean constant fighting was tiring. Andrews inability to man up until the end with parents that were hard to take added to the muddy story.

Andrew and Sean end up in a plane crash a la Cast Away. Andrew is gay but in the closet to uphold what he 'thinks' his parents want for him - a wife, kids, running the company, etc. On the island however, it is just the two of them and even gross, hungry and sandy they figure out away. From this point the fighting went from 100% to 75% sometimes 25%!! yeah. They get rescued 5 days later. Andrew goes back to pretending to like women and Sean goes back to his perpetual chip on shoulder state. Now here is where the real fun begins and the fucker begins. Wugh save us from men who are too pig headed to see the real deal.

Now it may sound like I did not like it. From this team of writers, you know you are going to get a solidly written book and that is the case here. And I liked it, I did, I was just really tired with them by the end and was not crazy about the plane crash story line.