A review by _its_me_hermione
The Smell of Roses by Elizabeth Crocket


"When she got about ten feet past the shoe-shine stand, she turned and looked back. He was watching her, so she waved. She wondered about the butterflies in her stomach when he waved back. Yes, he was incredibly good-looking, but surely she couldn't be flirting with the shoe-shine man."

Sarah and her brothers were busy with their family business and didn't care about anything else. This changed the day Sarah announced that she was leaving her position as the vice-president which she had earned through her hard work. She was trying to find out what she really wanted to do. Were all these spent on managing business worth it? Each member of her family reacted differently. You'll get to know that when you read the book! She meets Sam and they become friends. She realises the things she failed to notice while she was being a workaholic. This book is about how she learned to find pleasure in the things she does and how her life was affected by the decisions she took!

I'm trying really hard to not spoil the story. But the book is really good that I can't stop talking about that! I typed this review about ten times and edited most of it so that I won't spoil it! I have a lot of things to say about this book. This book doesn't have many twists and mysteries, but it is really uplifting. By the end of the novel, you would feel kind of motivated that everything will be alright. There are references to alcohol addiction and the character's efforts to make a change. It's really disheartening when parents do not realise the problems their children are facing.

It would be great to have brothers like Robert and Bill. I hated Elenore at some point. I know the reason she acts that way... but I don't know. It felt wrong for her to say those things about others.

The novel progresses with the progress in two parts of Sarah's life: professional and emotional!
I would definitely recommend this book!

I really empathised with her at these lines.

"She watched him walk away and wished she could go with him. She pictured herself running up to him, putting her hand in his, and going home with him. Instead, Sarah went outside and hailed a cab and went back to her penthouse alone."

"As she walked away, she felt like hugging herself. Two new friends in one day. Two more than she had made in the last twenty years."