A review by maeclair
The Characters of Creation: The Men, Women, Creatures, and Serpent Present at the Beginning of the World by Daniel Darling


Of all the books of the Bible, Genesis is one I return to again and again. No matter how many times I've read it, I'm in awe every time. Try to wrap your head around it, especially "In the beginning..." and you'll be left in a perpetual state of wonder.

Daniel Darling's "Characters of Creation" goes beyond the book of Genesis, illuminating how God's promises transition from the beginning through the Old Testament and the New Testament, ultimately culminating in the book of Revelation. Through the journey the reader gets an up close look at Adam and Eve, the fall in the Garden, Cain and Abel, Seth, Noah and his sons, and even this Nephilim. Over all is the covenant God made with man.

Whether a student of the Bible, or someone who is merely curious about the origins of mankind and the world, I highly recommend this book as a riveting and illuminating read.