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A review by sofiabookathought
Juniper Lemon's Happiness Index by Julie Israel


This was a so deep, sweet and strong reading, all at the same time, I've enjoyed it alot

4.5/5 Stars


I want to thank Penguin Random House UK Children's and NetGalley for providing me with this copy in exchange for an honest review

You can find this one and more of my reviews on my blog A Book. A Thought.

The story follows Juniper who recently lost her sister, so we can see her trying to cope with the pain of having lost a loved one. and how it has impacted on her daily life.
One day Juniper finds a letter addressed to a mysterious "YOU", a letter of rupture written by her sister but which has never been sent, reason why Juniper decides to begin to look for this person to discover who he/she is , but it's also a quest that Juniper hopes will help her close the hole she's been feeling since her sister left

I've really enjoyed the characters, I think everyone has given something special and unique to the plot, although we found some characters that may seem cliché , I think they all play a very important role in the Juniper's life and from the beginning they help with her search in some way or another, besides it's always good to have a great variety of personalities to analyze and to be able to observe different points of view

One of the things I liked the most is the strength that Juniper has during her journey, I think even though she's shattered and deep down she knows she'll never get over what happened, she really tries and every time she falls she gets up again , I admire this character a lot, I can't imagine having such a loss and how he behaved during the book is understandable, in the end I feel that she had a great learning


As I said before the story focuses on the Juniper's search for this person who is totally unknown and mysterious for her, and has been Great, is a very good idea, also make you stay very expectant and make you want to discover what happens next. It has a very deep side that is how to deal with the loss, the suffering, how going forward, the feeling of guilt and many things that have really touched me. In spite of them the book doesn't become too overwhelming or heavy at all, it's fun, light and has given me all those beautiful feelings that I was looking for in a book, I would surely re-read this one

I'm not totally sure about the end, I feel it should have been a bit more closed, but this is of course only my point of view, maybe you feel right about it , I still have enjoyed it, but I feel it had the potential to continue a little bit more

I recommend that you take this book if you're looking for a light reading but full of emotions and with a super important topic as it's how to deal with the loss and to go ahead after it. It has made me spend very beautiful moments, so I would love you to decide to read it to make you feel the same way