A review by foggy_rosamund
Girls In Their Married Bliss by Edna O'Brien


Some years have passed since the end of The Girl With Green Eyes and both Baba and Kate are now married and living in London. The first two books in this trilogy are told exclusively in first person, from Kate's perspective, and the voice is dynamic and original. This novel, however, is told in third person limited from Kate's perspective, and in first person from Baba's perspective. Neither of these work as well as the first person voice from the first two novels, and because of this, this book isn't as compelling. As well as that, the plot, following Baba's and Kate's various affairs, and unhappiness, feels more trite and less compelling. O'Brien's depiction of London isn't as interesting as her Dublin and rural Ireland, and the book doesn't have the same humour. All that being said, it's an engaging and believable novel, and Kate and Baba are both strongly drawn characters.