A review by founddrama
The Last Command by Timothy Zahn


Same review for all three: I grew up on Lucas' film trilogy; it took on a certain mythological quality. Say what you will about Lucas: I won't apologize for this enjoyment. When the first horn blasts of that John Williams score strike, I wear that nerdy shame with all of its lightsaber-wielding pride.

And Zahn pulls off a follow-up trilogy just well enough to pass. We get some closure on the whole Han/Leia thing, we see how well the fledgling Republic fares, watch Luke struggle through his on-going mentor-less apprenticeship. It moves along at a fair-enough pace, pays respect to the "classic" characters while introducing some well-executed new ones, and honors canon well enough that it won't raise the hackles of the rabid fan.

High literature, it is not. A decent enough lightweight read for an unashamed Star Wars fan, it is.