A review by nereads
Play Dead by Harlan Coben


I very much read [b:Play Dead|7809428|Play Dead|Harlan Coben|http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51OrcRPOU2L._SL75_.jpg|208371] with an open mind. I think if I hadn't always had a concious thought that this was written when he was twenty my review and opinion would be very different. It is quite obviously a [a:Harlan Coben|24689|Harlan Coben|http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1205264211p2/24689.jpg] book without fail – could tell this just from reading the blurb to be honest – yet you can quite clearly tell how far he has come with his writing after reading this. With this in mind, I loved this book. it managed to be both light-hearted but deep at the same time.