A review by antoniag
Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer


This one was hard to get through. I noticed a lot of the same issues I criticize Twilight for are amplified in Eclipse. We’re 3 books in, I don’t feel like we need to rehash that Edward is controlling and emotionally abusive. The kidnapping plot was next level, Alice they’ll never make me hate you. 

Almost out of nowhere Jacob does a complete 180 in this book and him and Edward become so focused on “fighting” each other and “winning” Bella (usually in front of her face) that it’s just super gross. Bella herself even comments about feeling objectified, it’s that blatant. The movie version of this book feels like it doesn’t make a lot of sense at times because they cut a lot of this ultra toxic fighting out.

This book wasn’t as gay as the others, but Bella’s resistance to straight marriage and putting on her gaudy ass engagement ring did feel very gay. IYKYK.  

I gave this book an extra star for heavily implying that premarital sex will ruin your virtue and damn your immortal soul. 

One last thought: there are a lot of unhinged details and passages in this book but it really gets glossed over that Jasper was in the confederate army.