A review by bianca89279
The Shepherd's Hut by Tim Winton


It is a big event in the Australian publishing world whenever Tim Winton comes up with a new book. This highly anticipated novel didn’t disappoint. The more I think about it, the more I’m impressed. I mean, I shouldn’t be, because it’s Tim Freakin’ Winton. Every author has the right to come up with duds now and then. You probably heard people-in-the-know bemoaning the dying literary novel etc. It may be so, but don’t tell that to the many people who buy Tim Winton’s novels. Case in point, a few weeks after its release, this is still in the top 10 bestseller list.

On the surface, The Sheperd’s Hut is a simple novel about an abused fifteen-year-old, Jaxie Clackton, fleeing his hometown. He thinks the police is after him, so he hides in the outback, although he’s unprepared.

Jaxie’s is a story of survival, both spiritual and physical. He's such an interesting bloke. To be honest, when I heard this was a first person POV novel, I feared I won’t like it, especially given my previous experience with much loved Australian novels which also featured kids/teenagers (Jasper Jones, The Choke). So, I didn’t expect to be so taken with Jaxie, to care so much.

I must applaud Winton for having the audacity to use the language he did, although if anyone can get away with it, it’s him. The language is rough, Australian slang and expletives heavy – but it felt authentic. In spite of the low brow language in use, Winton succeded to write a very atmospheric novel. And all this about the outback, a mostly arid and flat landscape.

The novel has only two protagonists, Jaxie and the old, Irish recluse he meets in the outback. Their relationship was interesting and unexpected. Winton steered clear from sentimentality, I admire that a great deal.

The Sheperd’s Hut is a masterfully crafted novel, unique, with unforgettable characters and it's quintessentially Australian. In my view, this novel has the makings of an Australian classic novel, just like Cloudstreet.

This novel goes towards my Australian Author Challenge on www.bookloverbooksreviews.com.