A review by _toristhoughts_
Credence by Penelope Douglas


Before I start on my thoughts, I want to point out that if you've read the synopsis you know that not only is Tiernan a minor (at least in the beginning) and there is obviously going to be some... tension between her and the guys she is living with. I understood that going in, but I was still uncomfortable reading it. I didn't want to give up and DNF the book so I just tried to mentally put that aside to at least try and enjoy the book. There might be slight spoilers BTW.
So aside from being uncomfortable, I actually sort of liked it. The spice scenes were written pretty well and the story was okay. Tiernan's character was just really annoying and she definitely got on my nerves. She seemed way too whiny and a bit of a brat. The way that she treated all of the guys also annoyed me. She was super into them one second and then wanted nothing to do with any of them the next and then she threw a fit when they got angry with her.
Kaleb was also annoying, he was obviously supposed to be one of those dark haired, broody, male love interests. And while I love those love interests as much as anyone else, this one didn't do it for me. Him not talking wasn't even what annoyed me the most, it was the fact that he got really aggressive for no reason at random times. I'm not going to keep complaining about the characters, though, because the actual story itself wasn't bad.