A review by jhscolloquium
Last Woman Standing by Amy Gentry


Dana Diaz is an aspiring stand‑up comedian. Even in 2018, the age of #MeToo, stand-up is still a man's world. One night after a performance, she meets Amanda Dorn, who claims to be a computer programmer. The two discuss the challenges they have faced in professions dominated by men. Dana confides her recent experience of being harassed and assaulted in L.A., an event so traumatizing that, in combination with her overall disillusionment with Los Angeles, she returned to Austin.

Amanda devises a plan for the two of them to get revenge on each other's assailants, Dana agrees, But pulled deeper and deeper into Dana's increasingly controlling scheme, Dana soon discovers that revenge is not so sweet, after all. Soon she is wrapped up in a complicated series of betrayals and outright paranoia. She trusts no one, even herself, and begins questioning things that she has for years accepted as true. Including one fateful night when she was staying overnight at the home of her best friend, Jason, and subjected to a sexual assault by his older brother who is now imprisoned for an entirely different crime.

In this unique and inventive novel, Dana discovers the high price of vengeance, as well as her own truth. Last Woman Standing is a thought-provoking and chilling psychological thriller exploring contemporary themes. Can a woman overcome an "old boys' network" to succeed in a highly competitive environment? More importantly, can she do so on merit alone without machinations, manipulations, or dirty tricks designed to eliminate competitors? And what if it turns out that the person we thought we knew best is someone we never really knew at all? Does that mean that we have to spend the rest of our lives unable to trust again? If not, how can we learn to be vulnerable and have close, intimate relationships again?

The character of Dana is endearing because of her relatable struggles, but also deeply flawed as evidenced by the choices she makes. She permits herself to be drawn into a web of violence and retribution without appreciating the danger she is in. Danger which originated from some evident, as well as some surprising sources. Her journey is one of examining her own moral compass and finding her inner strength not just to survive, but to thrive and succeed. Author Amy Gentry manages to make situations that are patently outrageous believable, in no small measure as a result of her nuanced characters including, in addition to Dana, Amanda and Jason. Gentry reveals Dana's discovery of the truth at expertly-timed intervals, keeping the action moving and readers invested in the outcome.

Who will be the last woman standing? The journey to that answer is a thoroughly enjoyable and moving story that continues resonating with readers long after its conclusion.

Thanks to NetGalley for an Advance Reader's Copy of the book.