A review by tanyad74
Dangerous Mating by Milly Taiden


I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.Kari Tomlin works for the FBI deciphering top secret documents. When A.L.F.A. needs someone to act as an agent's girlfriend on a mission to find missing agent Bryon Day, the FBI offers up Kari. Kari is a very clumsy agent that is best left at her desk away from spilling anything or tripping on something. Why the FBI decides to send Kari is mystery to me. The only explanation I had was that her superiors figured she already knew about the shifters from some of the documents she's decoded. Kari is excited about the opportunity. Her experience as an FBI agent has all been in the office.

I wondered about Kari's professionalism when she goes on about how hot all the members of A.L.F.A are. It left me wondering just who she was going to end up with because she was pretty much drooling over each agent she met. But when she sees the picture of Bryon Day, she gets all worked up over just the picture. She's excited about the opportunity to go on this mission, even if her part is only to act as the agent's girlfriend. I would have expected her to be a little more upset at being chosen for a task that anyone could have taken.

As you can probably tell, I wasn't the biggest fan of Kari at first. She predictably falls into the worse scenarios she could possibly find. What I did enjoy was the Indiana Jones feel of the escape Kari and Bryon must make through the tunnels of the city. That is a lot of fun when any move the character makes could trigger some horrible event. This is where I started to like Kari a bit more. Her sarcasm incited some laughs, while her brain helped figure out some of the secret triggers to keep them alive.

The romance is swift since Kari already knows about shifters and what it means to be one's mate. It's a relief to Bryon when he doesn't have to make a big reveal and explain it all. I felt that the romance stayed pretty low key since there was so much action going on. There were many spots that caused a good laugh out loud from me. I don't think I'm going to be able to hear a particular Lady Gaga song again without thinking of this book!

I thoroughly enjoyed the ride Dangerous Mating took me on. With the danger, action and romance you're kept on your toes and flipping through the pages to see how this couple survives.This review was originally posted on Rantings of a Reading Addict