A review by mistysbookspace
Airports, Exes, and Other Things I'm Over by Shani Petroff


This was a quick easy read. It's YA and it definitely reads like a YA. Sari walks in on her boyfriend of 3 years kissing his ex girlfriend and the story goes from there. We are following Sari so it's all about her. At times she did kind of get on my nerves as did other characters. Had the characters just listened to what the other was saying we wouldn't have had all the back and forth nonsense and drama. What the author portrayed really well in my opinion is the anxiety and the feeling of everything falling apart. I was literally going through the same emotions as Sari while reading this. I mostly felt anger while reading this because the "ex" kept pushing when she wanted/needed space or because her parents weren't listening to her or Sari just refused to listen. Overall I did enjoy this book it just wasn't a new favorite.