A review by probablyytori
Juniper Lemon's Happiness Index by Julie Israel


you know the feeling... when you just want something SO BAD... and you spend HOURS searching for it... and just...



i'm fucking pissed as shit that i never find out who "you" is. yes, i understand why. no, i am not okay with that reason. i am so incredibly upSET as to WHY this mystery is left a mystery to me. i am not trying to drag the author, but this betrayal is worse than the divergent book 3 allegiant betrayal to me.


other than that, i seriously felt like this was a book meant for a step down from YA. yeah it had elements of YA--language, minor romance, death, drinking--but in all actuality, i felt as thought it was written for a younger audience.

also, the romance. it felt rushed and although i enjoyed brand, there was no spark. i did think he was hilarious though.

"i'd offer you a hanky, but i left my gentleman's coat in the other decade."

and other than that... the whole plot seemed overkill for "happiness".

the one good thing that came out of this is that i started my own happiness index of sorts. i bought a planner and i plan to track the happy (and negative, despite the book's message) things in my day and book stuff. just for myself!!

but seriously. if you like coming of age, go for this book. honestly. but if you desire resolution (hard resolution, not philosophical or internal), then i would suggest no.

i am just so upset that i do not know the identity of you.

yeah one and a half stars.