A review by netslummer
Cover Story by Valerie Gomez


Dax Ximénez has anxiety and often gets panic attacks at being in front of crowds...a pretty big deal for an up-and-coming actor who does stand up comedy on the side. His career is about to take off with his own TV show about to premiere. As part of the publicity for the show Dax is sent by his manager to participate in a photoshoot for The Modern Gentleman magazine where he meets the prickly art director AJ Bond who is trying to prove himself to his higher-ups to snag a promotion. After the shoot wraps up AJ and Dax grab dinner together and find themselves hopelessly caught in each other's orbits over the coming months.

Dax and AJ are such great characters that you easily fall into a rhythm with them and fully experience everything with them. It is so easy to root for the boys when Dax is dealing with his anxiety or AJ is trying to deal with his insecurity around his sexuality and work persona. The boys are sweet together and you just find yourself yelling "KISS!" and, when they finally do you just melt. The side characters feel just as real and easy to like as our boys. Dax's family is excellent and watching AJ meet them is really sweet. I really enjoyed the fact that both AJ and Dax are in their early thirties too. So many romances are about guys who are like twenty-five and that makes it a bit depressing for us older spinsters. :P

I fully recommend this book for fans of squishy romances with quite a bit of comedic wit.

Thank you to the author for providing me with an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.