A review by blodeuedd
Shopaholic & Baby by Sophie Kinsella


Shopaholic & Baby by Sophie Kinsella

Becky's life is blooming! She's working at London's newest fashion store The Look, house-hunting with husband Luke (her secret wish is a Shoe room) .... and she's pregnant! She couldn't be more overjoyed- especially since discovering that shopping cures morning sickness. Everything has got to be perfect for her baby: from the designer nursery, to the latest, coolest pram, to the celebrity, must-have obstetrician. But when the celebrity obstetrician turns out to be Luke's glamorous, intellectual ex-girlfriend, Becky's perfect world starts to crumble. She's shopping for two...but are there three in her marriage?
(back blurb)

Becky gets the news that she is pregnant and they are both thrilled. Now she only have to start shopping for everything she needs. That is the essentials, not so much, but all the coolest baby things, oh yes. She goes crazy as usual, and Luke is not really stopping her this time. He has problems of his own with his company.

Then Becky hears about this famous obstetrician and she needs to go there. Because just think when she is drinking tea with Kate Winslet and best buddies with Gwyneth. She will be in magazines and it will be so much fun. Now if she only can dump her old doctor. But then it turns out that the famed woman is Luke's beautiful single ex. Could things get any worse. She is not liking her and she is sure that the woman is out to steal her man.

Becky is funny as usual, and I have started to like her sister Jess in this one. Luke, honestly, he is great and all that. But I don't think I would fall for him. But I guess a shopaholic works well with a workoholic.

And her parents are great, her best friend, I love them all. There is great chemistry between all. And they help making it funny.

This is a great chick-lit series, the books are funny and you could dislike her so much. But I don't, I like Becky with her faults and all. She is only human.

I tried to look up if Sophie is planning on writing more about Becky, but I couldn't find anything. Too bad, cos I have enjoyed the ride.