A review by blogginboutbooks
Hot and Sour Suspects by Vivien Chien


The Noodle Shop Mystery series is one of my favorites. Lana Lee is always a fun narrator. She's very real in all her snarky, doughnut-loving, mischievous glory. Her friends and family are likewise warm and likable. The only one of her cohorts I'm not overly fond of is her boyfriend, Adam Trudeau. It irritates me that he calls her "babe," "dollface," and "silly lady." For a "nice" guy, he's very condescending. In addition, I love the series' Asian infusion, although all the descriptions of the food never fails to make my stomach growl!

As with all series, some installments in this one are better than others. HOT AND SOUR SUSPECTS isn't one of my favorites since there's nothing really fresh or unique about it. Still, it's a fun, upbeat mystery that kept me turning pages. Chien got me on this one, too—I had a different killer pegged than the one who actually did it. All in all, then, I found Chien's newest to be a quick, entertaining read. If you like cozies, definitely check this series out.

If I could, I would give this book 3 1/2 stars; since I can't, I rounded up.