A review by booksdogsandjess
Rock Chick Reckoning by Kristen Ashley


I was going to take a break from the Rock Chick universe as I was running out of them and that reality was not boding well for me. But I read the first chapter as this story's Rock chick was Stella who appeared briefly in the last book,. Stella is a singer in a local band, she sang So Lonesome I could Cry to Mace( our hero) in the last book (for reals I thought that was awesome), she is sexy and super cool.

First chapter it comes up she has Saint Bernard!


I Have a Saint Bernard! I sing all the time!! Not well I admit, but it has never stopped me from wailing for about 70% of my day(weep for my neighbours). I realize Me and Miss Stella are gonna get along great!

This did not occur, I did not get Stella at all. She was selfish, when dealing with Mace but had all the patience in the world for her loser band mates? Loser maybe harsh but?

If The Shoe Fits

And her issues LAME ..well sort of. She was so closed minded and a bit whiney, but not adorable whiney like when in book 4 Jules realized she was gonna miss her morning shower. Just whiney, whiney.

What I did like the multiple POV's, that was a treat, non? Hank and Roxie, loved that! The Epilogue, I loved hearing about all the kids and stuff, I thought that was great but may have been better served at the end of the last book instead of book 6 in a 8 book series.

Now I have to call shenanigans on something, I may come off as ridiculous but Stella takes her Saint Bernard everywhere with her, like when she stays at people's houses and stuff, her gigantic dog comes with. I love my St Bernard, EverlyBrothers, but take him with for overnighters? No, the drool situation is just that a situation. You come in my house I recommend ya wear a slicker or that you have no plans after the visit cause that cute ensemble you got on is gonna need to hit the hamper. It is slimy and copious and everywhere. Have you ever seen the movie Aliens if you don't stay on top of it, that goo is everywhere. It would be a nightmare as a homeowner having this slobbering shedding cow-like animal hanging out for a few days if this is not business as usual. I'm just sayin listen to Auntie Jess, they are not convient dogs, sweet and loving yes, but messy.